Our Affiliation
Christ Presbyterian Church Wallingford is a new church birthed out of Christ Presbyterian Church in New Haven. Christ Presbyterian Church has begun planting congregations in the greater New Haven area that reflect the different voices and locations of our diverse region.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and part of the Mission Anabaino church planting network.
Our Team
Mike Brunjes, Pastor
Jeremy Eshelman,
Music Director
Mike is married to April and they are cultivating a family garden that includes two little flower girls, Lily and Magnolia, and their son Haddon. Mike and April are native South Floridians who now live on the east side of Wallingford. Mike earned a Master of Divinity Degree at Knox Theological Seminary and served as an Assistant Pastor in Florida for 5 years before moving to Wallingford.
As a family we are passionate about the Gospel of Grace and connecting relationally with those around us. We love to party joyfully, engage deeply, and serve resolutely. As God has moved in our hearts he has made it clear that the intersection of all these passions and His call on our lives would be found in church planting. In response to this call, in partnership with Christ Presbyterian Church New Haven, we are planting a church in Wallingford and for Wallingford.
Until Christ Presbyterian Church Wallingford has its own elders the church plant is under the authority of the elders of Christ Presbyterian Church New Haven.
Jeremy is married to Lillian. They have four children, Shanna, Zachary, Gemma, and Rosalee, and moved to Wallingford in February of 2019. They met in New Zealand, where Lillian was born and raised, while Jeremy spent a year there and worked as a pig farmer. Jeremy grew up in the Philadelphia area and graduated from Westminster Theological seminary in 2017.
What We Believe
Christ Presbyterian Church Wallingford is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
To enjoy and serve in Jesus' community here, we do not expect you to sign off on every detail of our theological convictions. Rather, we want everyone to join us on the journey of a life with God, embracing the essential tenets of the gospel and committing to a humble, teachable attitude along the way.
So, we simply like to say that we are a faith community that is theologically aligned to historic confessional Christianity. This means we affirm the Apostles' and Nicene creeds, continued and refined through the Reformed confessions and creeds of the 16th and 17th centuries, and summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Brief Statement of Faith
This is a brief, non-technical statement of the Christian faith that we uphold. It is derived from the Bible as expressed by churches influenced by the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.
We believe that our aim in life and death should be to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
God teaches us how to do this through His holy, inspired, infallible Word.
God is one God but three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God created all things, including man in His own image, and entered into a covenant of life with him.
But man fell into sin through his willful disobedience and into this bondage we have been born.
Being fallen in Adam, we are by nature children of wrath, under the condemnation of God.
God did not leave us to perish in our sin, but has redeemed His people through Jesus Christ our Lord. He bore the penalty due to our sins in His own body on the cross and fulfilled in His own person the obedience we owe.
Jesus was raised from death for our justification and ascended into heaven, there He sits interceding for the church and governing the whole world.
This redemption is applied to all God’s people through His Holy Spirit who works faith in us and unites us to Christ.
God requires of us under the gospel to turn with grief and hatred of our sin and rest upon Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and that having turned we should now walk in the Spirit, fulfilling the obedience we owe Christ as our King.
God has established His church in the world to administer His sacraments so that the riches of His grace in the gospel may be made known in all the earth.
Jesus Christ will come again to judge the world in righteousness.